Wednesday, June 22

Relations Sandwich

Joy is to pamper the person you love and see them smile.
Even just catching a quick glimpse of their hair for a while.


Love is about fulfilling your responsibility as a partner with joy. Loving is about joy. Love and joy cannot be separated.Love and joy are the 2 pieces of bread that clasp the filling of a sandwich. These 2 elements hold the memories together and help the relationship stay put. The stuffings can be sweet, sour, bitter or tasteless. In the end of the day, no matter what the stuffings, the 2 pieces of bread hold the sandwich together.
Without one side of the bread, it's not a sandwich. And the stuffings may not stay. That's why memories are lost and relations are torn.

*It's not just about boy-girl relations, it's also about the relations among people around you, whom you care about, or who care for you.

There are 2 sides to a sandwich.
It has to be served together!

Love with joy. Love with a sincere heart. Love is forgiving. Love is sacrificial, yet free. Love is never ending. Love can never be described. Love does not wait.

I love YOU. Each and everyone of you who is close to me.

My immediate family and my few close friends.

I'm PMS-ing and I miss those people I don't see often.
I miss especially my parents.


Laura said...

hi Jamie, just wanted to say I really like your blog!

yours in Christ,

Laura said...

oh, and I put it on my blog, too. today's entry.

@>-;-- J said...

thanks Laura. It's a great blogging community. May the good Lord bless you...