Saturday, September 3

Am I blur or what?

Last night, left the studeo at 8:45pm.
Went to Greenlane McD’s for dinner.
After a sumptuous dinner…
Why sumptuous?
Because I didn’t eat anything the whole day.
Was just too busy with work.
And dinner was the first solid thing that went into my body =P
Anyway, after dinner...
I couldn’t find the car keys.
Thought I left it on the table.
But NO!
Scavenged my bag.
NOT there too.
In a flash, I thought…
I must have left it in the car…
Don’t remember locking the car.
So, we hurry to the car.
And there it was!
Still in its position.
I just got out of the car,
slammed the door shut
and charged for my dinner.
Maybe I was just too engrossed to eat
or I was just stressed,
too many things in mind.
But we had a brief laugh.
And he was worried about me.
And I know…
I am loved!

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