Tuesday, August 22

So true...

The essence of a good management is the ability to influence ordinary people to create extraordinary results.

Friday, August 4

I just have to blog this…

So, I got an early birthday gift on 24th July. Two very cute guppy fish and a very tasty lipstick from SkinFood. These were mysteriously placed on my workstation without a name and I was just so excited. You see, I love surprises! So I was smiling the whole morning, but deep in my heart, I know these gifts were from my family – my family in SG.

Now, today… I received a belated birthday gift! Just that, this time, the sender was mentioned, SG + us (my darlings in CW Division). It’s a book – The Ultimate Book of Mind Maps – which I had wanted to buy long time ago.

This bunch of people is just so… AMAZING. Really, I wonder whether amazing is good enough to describe them. They are so…. WOW!

I’ve never had such great colleagues (ok, I know this is my first job, but hey, no harm)… friends who’re so close… like a family.

I don’t know what to say, but…